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Valuable advice if you want to sell on the internet

The gifts waiting at the foot of the tree make people disappointed every year. According to a Kantar study for ebay, published in early December and relayed by LCI, nearly 6.5 million French men and women plan to resell their Christmas gifts this year.

As of Saturday, December 25, nearly 600,000 ads had already been posted on the Rakuten resale site, representing growth of more than 15% compared to 2020, reports LCI. Whether it's a problem of size, duplicate, or simply because the object offered is not to the taste of his or her recipient, these gifts are waiting to find happy and happy new owners.

So if you too don't like your gift or don't like it, don't let it rot in the bottom of a drawer! Solutions exist to allow you to rectify the situation.

Donate your present

Bad luck, the gift your uncle gave you for Christmas is not at all to your liking. But maybe someone else would be happy to receive it? You can always inquire around you to find out if one of your loved ones would want or need this present.

Better, you can also give it to people who would not have the means to buy such an object. To do this, contact associations and organizations such as Secours populaire, the Red Cross, Oxfam, Restos du Cœur, Emmaüs or resource centres.

On the Internet, several sites also allow you to donate your objects (and missed gifts) such as, or the Geev application.

Exchange your gift

Did you receive a sweater at Christmas but it's too small for you? Don't panic, it is certainly possible to exchange it! Check that the person who gave you this garment has kept the receipt and go to the store to try to exchange your sweater for a model that suits you better.

Apart from clothes, other items such as toys, books or products purchased in supermarkets can sometimes be exchanged for another item, or for a voucher. Do not hesitate to inquire directly with the brands or via their websites to see if they offer such services.

Note that if the purchase was made physically, the merchant is free to grant you an exchange or not, no law forcing him to do so. On the other hand, if your gift was purchased online or via teleshopping, you have a withdrawal period of 14 days.

To barter

Yes, in the 21st century, barter still exists! Better, it is no longer limited to the simple exchange of objects but now, many platforms offer to exchange services or to give objects that are no longer used. If you're looking for a way to part with a Christmas present that won't serve you, think about it!

The MyTroc or Troc Gifts sites will allow you to exchange your items for items that will make you happier or happy, without over-consuming. A real virtuous circle!

Resell his gifts

It is now a classic at every Christmas party: the resale of gifts. If you don't want to give away or barter a gift that disappointed you, you can always resell it on platforms like Leboncoin, Vinted, Rakuten or ebay.

For high-tech objects, there are also the BackMarket and e-Recycle sites, which refurbish and resell computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.

If you are not a fan of online sales, you can of course resell your gifts to second-hand shops and second-hand items, or even at fairs, flea markets and empty-dressing.